Dear CHINAR Kashmir Benefactors and Friends,
The last few years have been hard and tough for everyone across the globe. For CHINAR Kashmir it was no different. But, by the grace of Almighty, we have been able to get through all this. During these hard times, we have tried our best to continue all our programmes smoothly and even scale up some of the programmes. To a large extent, this became possible only; because of your trust in us, your unflinching support and vital contributions (to CHINAR Kashmir’s cause).
We, at CHINAR Kashmir and the large section of people who benefitted from your largesse, shall always be grateful to you and your personal concern about such issues of welfare in Kashmir. A list of our programmes, the expenditure incurred on each Programme during FY 2021-22 is as under:

We are approaching you once again so that during the Holy month of Ramadhan you remember CHINAR Kashmir, and wholeheartedly donate to the cause we have undertaken. Every Rupee of your donation will go towards helping the destitute and vulnerable families and children, with complete transparency as always.
You have all the options given below for making your donations:
Donate Online from our website

Write-out a cheque and send it on to our office
Deposit your cash donations at our office

We can arrange to pick up your donations, cash or cheque, from you against an official receipt
Transfer directly into any of our Bank Accounts

Note: All donations made to Child Nurture and Relief Kashmir are exempt from IT under Section 80-G as per the provisions of the Income Tax Act of Income Tax Department, Government of India. Our (Income Tax) PAN no. is AAAAC4578Q
For donations from within India:

Kindly do extend a helping hand, as you always do without-fail every year, especially during the Holy Month of Ramadhan-Mubarak so that we can continue to help destitute and vulnerable families in a meaningful way.
With best regards,
N.A. Qureshi
Child Nurture & Relief Kashmir (CHINAR Kashmir)