How to Support Us

There are many ways you can help us make a difference in the lives of marginalized children, women, and families in Jammu & Kashmir:

Donate Funds

Your financial contributions enable us to run our programs and provide essential services to those in need.

Donate in Kind

Contribute goods that can directly support our initiatives, such as school supplies, clothing, or other essentials.

Sponsor a Child

Provide ongoing support to a child in need, covering their education, healthcare, and basic needs.

Intern with Us

Gain hands-on experience while helping us achieve our mission. We welcome interns who are passionate about social change.

Volunteer with Us

Share your time and skills to make a direct impact on our programs. Whether on-site or remotely, your help is invaluable.

Collaborate with Us

Collaborate with us to create sustainable change. We welcome partnerships with individuals, organizations, and corporations.

Spread the Word

Raise awareness about our work by sharing our mission within your network and on social media.

How Your Donations Make a Difference

Your donations directly fund education, skill development, livelihoods, and care for hundreds of beneficiaries, primarily underprivileged children and women.


Supporting our core initiatives such as education, vocational training, and community welfare.


Ensuring effective management, administration, and sustainable growth of our programs.